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PlantPharm BioMed's platform technology has been proven by more than 30 years of R&D, field testing and human clinical trials, demonstrating that biopharmaceuticals can be multiplied in plants and delivered successfully to the human body in Oral Solid Dose form.  As a result of this research, PlantPharm grew the world’s first lot of Hepatitis B vaccine in genetically stable, vaccine-bearing plants, that proved to be equivalent to standard Hepatits B vaccines in an FDA authorized, double-blind, human clinical trial.

Our Mission is to be a partner to traditional pharmaceutical companies, allowing them to penetrate markets that are currently out of reach, and to provide a more robust and sustainable healthcare system worldwide, through the development  and manufacturing of plant-grown biopharmaceuticals.

PlantPharm BioMed’s proprietary platform can be applied to an endless variety of human vaccines and therapeutics, as well as vaccines for animals including wild, domestic and farmed.   The process enables production of mega amounts of Oral Solid Dose biopharmaceuticals at a much-reduced cost, in the form of shelf-stable tablets, capsules and animal pellets.


In June of 2023, PlantPharm BioMed was awarded more than $900,000  from the  U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) to develop a stable, feed delivered SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) animal vaccine.   PlantPharm’s work will contribute to the world-wide “One Health Initiative” – a concept that recognizes that the health of people, animals and the environment are linked. 

This project is further proof of the ability for the PlantPharm’s proprietary platform technology to deliver a low-cost and effective plant-grown vaccine.  Read the full press release here.  


COVID-19 variants can be mutated in animals and transmitted to humans.

USDA APHIS is collaborating with PlantPharm BioMed to develop edible vaccines that will impede the spread of COVID-19 within animal populations, thereby stopping the spread to humans. 

We use plants as living factories to manufacture and deliver edible vaccines for animals TO HELP BREAK THE CHAIN OF COVID-19 IN HUMANS.


Future Applications

Having proven both a solid oral dose human vaccine, as well as an animal feed vaccine delivery solution, PlantPharm is looking to expand its platform application to any number of human or animal biopharmaceutical products. PlantPharm will look to partner with major pharmaceutical companies to transform the production of their existing vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, proteins or peptides, into low- cost, plant-based systems. This will extend market reach of vaccines into previously inaccessible locations, as well as increase efficiency of therapeutic pahrmaceutical production. Applied to other biopharmaceutical products, PlantPharm’s platform will reduce production costs, extend patent protection and improve safety profiles.

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